Unwrapping Christmas Past Memories

Unwrapping Christmas Past Memories

Posted by Christie Watson Baker on Dec 17th 2023

As the holiday season approaches, it is natural to find ourselves reminiscing about past Christmases. The memories flood back, transporting us to a time filled with joy and love. Whether it's reflecting on our own childhood Christmases or remembering the years when our children or grandchildren were young, these memories hold a special place in our hearts.

One memory that stands out for me is the gathering of my mother's family during Christmas. With grandparents, nine brothers, two sisters, and their children all under one roof, the house was bursting with excitement and laughter. The aroma of turkey, Uncle Carl's famous dressing, fresh vegetables, and delectable desserts filled the air. It didn't matter how cold it was outside; the kids would play until they were called in by the adults. Those were truly good times.

Another cherished memory is from my Dad's family gathering in Chestnut, Alabama at my great-grandmother's house. Grandmother Willie knew how to throw a party like no other. Her house was adorned with beautiful decorations and perfectly set tables. One unique touch she added was filling her crystal decanters with red and green food coloring for decoration.

I can still picture my cousins running up and down the halls of Grandmother Wiltie's house after indulging in caramel cake overloaded with sugar. There may have been a few incidents resulting in stitches or broken nativity figures along the way, but those mishaps only added to the memories we shared.

Every year, my parents would pack us into the car along with our family friends - The Sadler Family - for a 70-mile journey to Montgomery, Alabama for Christmas dinner. Afterward, we would drive through neighborhoods admiring the twinkling Christmas lights that illuminated each home.

The memories of my children and their cousins eagerly awaiting Santa Claus at Butz & Bob's (their grandparents' house) also bring a smile to my face. Each year brought a different Santa, but they all had a familiar twinkle in their eyes. Over the years, friends and uncles took turns donning the red suit to keep the Santa tradition alive and well. We never knew which Santa we would get!

I also recall our yearly tradition of climbing up on the roof to scatter reindeer food, as the kids believed that Rudolph and Prancer wouldn't find it on the ground. It was a magical moment filled with anticipation and wonder.

Attending the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Beatrice Baptist Church holds a special place in my heart as well. The soft glow of candlelight illuminating the church, combined with beautiful hymns and readings, created a serene atmosphere that truly captured the spirit of Christmas.

One of my favorite traditions was gathering around the fireplace on Christmas Eve to read about the birth of Jesus. It was heartwarming to see young children take turns reading these stories aloud.

I'm sure you have countless delightful memories and stories from Christmases past as well. These memories are etched in our minds, and during this time of year, they come flooding back. Take some time this Christmas to reflect on these wonderful moments and savor each one. But let's also be intentional about creating new memories with our loved ones because one day, they too will be pondering these cherished times.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with love, joy, and beautiful memories!