The Table

The Table

Posted by Christie Watson Baker on Nov 26th 2023

The Importance of Family Meals: 

Gathering around the table for meals is a time-honored tradition that strengthens family bonds and creates lasting memories. Whether it's a holiday feast, a special celebration, or just a regular weeknight dinner, sharing meals fosters connection and camaraderie.

As I reflect on my childhood, I have so much gratitude for the simple yet significant tradition of daily family dinners. If you know my mother, you know she is a wonderful cook! She always made sure we ate well. Despite my mother's busy schedule, she prioritized this time to build relationships and create memories that would last a lifetime. 

My grandfather, JW Robinson, lived with us for many years. As I think back on past family mealtimes, I can't help but recall many meals around the table with him. Grandaddy grew up in the Great Depression, a time when food was scarce. He lived in a time where you grew, hunted, and fished for your food. He believed in "cleaning your plate". He fostered my love for hot pepper sauce on peas and sugar-butter biscuits. One thing we didn't share was a love for squirrel and gravy. Sorry Grandaddy, hard pass on this one! 

Reflecting on Sunday lunch at my grandmother's house, I recall the aroma of roast simmering in the oven and the sounds of bustling in the kitchen. My Grandmother Wiltie always managed to prepare a feast for a large group, set the most amazing tables, and arrive at Church early. She had a gift for creating a beautiful table, even the "kids' table" was perfect. She is responsible for teaching me how to set a proper table. She cultivated my love of all things on the table. We lingered around her table as conversations filled the air. Sunday dinners at her house were an unforgettable experience. 

Memories are a precious part of our lives that we should always cherish. They are the stories that we keep close to our hearts, the moments that shape us into the person we are today. As a child, I didn't see much value in these moments. As an adult, these memories are a treasure worth more than gold. Whatever memories you may have, whether they are similar or different from mine, hold on to them and cherish them. They are a precious part of who you are and the story of your life. 

The Table is much more than a piece of furniture. It is a special place. So next time you gather around the table, take a moment to savor the experience and cherish the memories that are being made. They are worth more than precious jewels!