The Porch and Peas

The Porch and Peas

Posted by Christie Watson Baker on Apr 21st 2024

This afternoon as I scrolled through my Facebook feed, a picture transported me back to the summers of my childhood, a time filled with simple joys and cherished memories. Recollections of sitting on the porch with 5-gallon buckets, shelling freshly picked peas from my grandfather's garden. Our Grandfather's name was William Robinson, and he had the most beautiful garden adorned with rows upon rows of peas.

Some mornings, I rose early to join Granddaddy in the garden, but often, the bulk of the picking was already done by then, and the peas awaited me on the porch, ready to be shelled. While I may not have always looked forward to shelling all those peas, in hindsight, I realize how much those moments meant to me. I spent endless hours on that porch, swinging gently on the swing or rocking back and forth in the rockers, my fingers stained purple from the task at hand. 

Now, I find myself longing for just one more morning on the porch with Granddaddy surrounded by his peas and those familiar 5-gallon buckets. The simplicity of those moments, the laughter shared, the wisdom imparted, and the bonds formed are treasures I would give anything to experience again. There's a profound beauty in the nostalgia of those memories, reminding me to hold onto the moments that shape who we are and the love surrounding us.

Looking back, it's incredible how a simple photograph can transport us back in time, evoking feelings of nostalgia and gratitude for the precious moments we shared. Those memories are a testament to the beauty of simple pleasures and the bonds forged through shared experiences. Reflecting on those days, I'm reminded to cherish every moment and hold dear the memories that shape who we are.