Sunday Afternoon Drive - Take the Back Roads

Sunday Afternoon Drive - Take the Back Roads

Posted by Charlotte Robinson on Jan 28th 2024

The Sunday Afternoon Drive was once a common practice.

Growing up, we quite often took to the roads on a Sunday afternoon for a leisurely drive.  

Today, the Robinson clan decided to do just that.  We took to the backroads in Monroe and Wilcox Counties.   We headed out to Vredenburg and ended up in Hybart, AL. 

Vredenburg, AL was once a booming town.  My 80-year-old dad was born in Vredenburg in either the first or second house from the post office.  Those buildings still stand.  They were built to house the mill workers. On the corner just down the street, we found my great grandparents' house.  My great grandfather ran the once bustling sawmill in the town.  He was friends with the Vredenburg's for whom the town is named and who owned the mill.  Mrs. Vredenburg had my great grandfather build a 7-hole golf course as she was quite the golfer.   Sadly, the Vredenburg's old home is now gone as is the golf course.  Not much remains other that a few homes, the commissary, and the post office.  

As I was on the phone and texting my dad about his early childhood days, he told me that my great grandparents were buried just down the road at the Bell's Landing Presbyterian Church in Hybart.  We drove on down to Hybart and located the church.  It is beautiful and well taken care of.   

As we were just about to leave the cemetery, someone pulled up next to us.  As we spoke to him, my husband mentioned that we were looking for my family graves.  He asked if we found them, and we said yes. We mentioned the last name, Shirah, to which he said, "That is my family, too!"  It was none other than my Aunt Edith's son whom I had not seen since childhood.  We chatted awhile and talked about shared family memories before we were on our way.

We continued on the backroads past a few more beautiful historic homes until we wound our way back to Pine Apple.  The Sunday afternoon drive was a success.  We relaxed, ran into family, saw my great grandparent's final resting, as well as where my dad was born.  We wondered what life was like back then.  It was a good day.

So next Sunday, I encourage you to take a drive. Go see something you've never seen. You never know what or who you just might run into.

Take the backroads....