The Fathers of the Mercantile
Posted by Charlotte Robinson on Jun 16th 2024
Without the fathers of the mercantile, we would not be here and in more ways than one!
For you see, we would not be here on this journey with Pine Apple Mercantile Company without our dads. Why may you ask? Well, let me tell you.
Our dads are some of the hardest working guys you will ever meet. They are both smart, capable and determined. They are both a man's man.
They have always been the protectors and providers for their families and have taken care of us well. They put God and family first and both have deeply ingrained character like you would not believe.
You've heard others describe people as "that's a good man". That phrase describes our dads perfectly. Good men who love the Lord and love their families.
And their daughters? Well, don't get us wrong, we are very much like our mothers, but we inherited a thing or 2 from our dads! We've got the stubbornness and determination of our dads. They have always believed in us which makes us believe in ourselves. That, my friend, is invaluable to even a grown child in their 50's when their dad believes in them.
Because of the confidence that they instilled in us at an early age, we took the leap of faith, and a leap of faith it is, to start Pine Apple Mercantile Company. So today as we reflect on Father's Day, we are first and foremost thankful that we can pick up the phone or stop by and see our dads. We are also thankful for the last 50+ years of their steadfastness. Do you know the definition of steadfast? It is "resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering". That describes Roy and Mack to a T.
So today as every other Father's Day, we honor our dads. The Fathers of the Mercantile. However, we don't stop there. We would be amiss if we do not also honor the other fathers of the Mercantile, our husbands, Rusty and Larry. These 2 men support us each and every day and also believe in us. Without them, we would be lost. They, too, are men of high character.
Appreciate the men in your life today and every day. Honor and encourage them. They are true blessings from our heavenly Father.
"The righteous who walks in his integrity— blessed are his children after him!" Proverbs 20:7