Rose Garden
Posted by Charlotte Robinson on Apr 7th 2024
I beg your pardon...I never promised you a rose garden...along with the sunshine, there's got to be a little rain sometimes...
Lynn Anderson released this song in 1971, 3 years after I was born. I remember it vividly as a child. Last weekend it ran through my head all day.
Why? Because we planted a rose garden. Our front flower bed was slated for roses last year and this weekend, we started the beginning of that rose garden plan!
Pink, white, yellow, pink/yellow roses mixed with lavender. We can't wait to see them bloom!
I have loved roses all of my life. Green thumbs run in our family and my mother is no exception! We always had flowers planted everywhere and from her I gained a love of flowers and especially roses.
Roses were always my favorite, but I have not had "real" roses since my days as an elementary student. At that age, I would save my money from birthdays, chores, etc. to buy roses at TG&Y. Do y'all remember TG&Y? I loved that store!
Back then, I bought several roses and planted them in the flower bed next to the sliding glass door on the back patio. The TV antenna that we would occasionally manually turn to get better reception stood next to them.
After learning about grafting plants in science class at school, I decided I would graft my 2 roses together. I wish I could say it worked, but it didn't. But it was an interesting experiment!
So, today, I am again a rose grower. If all goes as planned, we will have a beautiful rose garden growing for passersby and anyone sitting on the front porch to enjoy.
Last weekend was traditionally the time to plant gardens as well. This will come soon! We have seen a resurgence in people interested in growing flowers, vegetables, indoor plants, and more. We are so glad to see this, and hope that we can help inspire and help you in these areas!
Let's grow flowers and gardens this year together!